
My Story

My journey into the world of health, fitness and bodywork started in my twenties when I discovered aerobics and running. As a rather shy and inactive child I found a passion for running that motivated me to get outdoors, and then led me into a career in health & wellbeing.

I entered the Health and Fitness Industry over two decades ago as a class instructor freelancing in clubs, then as a Personal Trainer and Sports Massage Therapist.  

Already a qualified Pilates Instructor, I retrained in the Contrology Pilates Method – a Classical Pilates training with a Fascial twist. It was a revelation for my own body, and gave me an entirely new perspective on the beauty of this mind and movement practice. This led to my training as a Structural Integrator, based on the Anatomy Trains work of Tom Myers, and the original work of Ida Rolf. 

For over a decade I’ve combine movement therapy and bodywork to assist all kinds of people with being more at ease in their bodies – physically and mentally. It’s brought me a lot of joy and the link of body and mind it something I love.

But there’s been something missing.  

My search for the missing piece of the jigsaw began with my own struggles.  For years I'd been a good distance runner and triathlete, training and racing hard, and getting great results, until I just couldn’t sustain it any longer.  I was also making repeated personal relationship choices that were not serving me.

By my late thirties this wasn't working so well for me anymore.  I was ignoring all my body’s subtle messages and signals.  So they got louder.  I’d developed food intolerances.  I had weight issues, stress fractures, disordered eating and sleeping, and eventually absolute exhaustion.  I was keeping myself incredibly busy (and numb), trying to be very successful at everything I did - in order to avoid actually dealing with the things I needed to face.   

I was also in a cycle of damaging relationships and patterns that were harming my wellbeing.  Although I was desperately trying to keep everything going, on the inside my self worth and confidence were at rock bottom. Eventually my body gave me no choice and forced me to stop.  At first I looked everywhere outside of myself for the answers – when actually what I needed to do was stop and quieten the external noise.  To go within, listen to my intuition and hear what my body was trying to tell me.  

This was the start of a journey for me that has introduced me to fascinating new ideas and knowledge.  I'm grateful for the wonderful people along the way who have helped me to exist in a place of balance that is far more calm.  And within that I have discovered a way to continue the sport I love in a way that serves me, and also supports the other things that bring joy to my life.

It also led me to explore my own intuitive abilities and to realise that I wanted to help people in the same way I have been guided as I sought to change my own patterns and beliefs. 

We all have intuition, but especially in the Western world it gets pushed down in favour of facts and science.  We can even feel uncomfortable talking about intuition, energy or spirituality for fear of being judged or dismissed as a bit 'woo-woo'!  However learning to embrace my intuitive & energetic abilities has been the key to my own personal transformation, and led me to discover my true self.  To be aware of my flaws, and to be able to identify and acknowledge them with compassion when they appear.  It’s helped me to look at relationships in a new light, be more compassionate, and question the external information we are constantly bombarded with a sense of clarity.

In addition to my previous offerings, as an Archetypal Alchemy Practitioner I am now providing transformational coaching. As a partnership, I will hold a safe space and guide you through exploring what your body is trying to tell you.  We will identify the behaviours and patterns that might be holding you back from achieving your goals, and may be affecting your health.  We will explore the reasons we get 'stuck'.  We will look at where held beliefs actually come from, if they are actually in alignment with who we are, and find tools and practical ways of moving into behaviours that serve us to achieve our true purpose, and move towards a state of wellness.

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